The Leybold Vacuum Academy presents...

Webinar:  The REAL Value of Furnace System Upgrades

When:  On -Demand Any Time!



Summary: How to get the most out of your furnace upgrade 

Join our in-house metals expert, Gene Ligman as he shares with you what he has learned in more than 20 years of industrial vacuum equipment and engineering experience. 


Stop measuring equipment upgrades in ROI and start measuring them in million dollar impacts to your bottom line.


This webinar has been created specifically for those in the metallurgy industry and will focus on the ways in which upgrading your vacuum system can drastically effect your bottom line and maximize your uptime by keeping your equipment running as efficiently as possible. 


You will walk away from this webinar having learned: 

  • How to decrease your cost per batch while increasing your uptime
  • The benefits of upgrading your vacuum system  
  • How converting from wet to dry vacuum pumps can increase your ROI
  • How vapor boosters can reduce your pump-down time
  • Why not all vacuum pumps are equal 
  • The rule of thumb for return on upgrades

About the Presenter:



Gene Ligman 

Mr.  Ligman is a Vacuum Engineer with over 20 years of experience in industrial vacuum applications, specializing in vacuum engineering for induction melting, vacuum arc re-melting, e-beam melting, and plasma arc melting furnaces.  As a Mechanical Engineer with a focus on the chemical and physical challenges posed to operating vacuum systems in real world dirty environments, he is one of the top authorities on these applications in the Americas.  He is currently acting as the product specialist for industrial diffusion pumps and dry vacuum pumps for Leybold USA.